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Essential Vaccines and Uniform Diet for your child

child diet and essential vaccines
Below are some of the most important nutrients along with their source of food and the role they play in the development of your child.

potato source of carbohydrates

  • Source of food
    • Rice, Flour, Vegetables, Potatoes etc.
  • Carbohydrate produces energy for your child to run and play

butter source of fats

  • Source of food
    • Butter, Clarified Butter etc.
  • Fats produce energy, form nerve cells, helps to maintain normal body temperature. It also produces Fatty Acid which is necessary for development of brain and eye sight

eggs source of protein

  • Source of food
    • Carrot, Lentils (Dal), Soybean, Egg, Fish etc.
  • Protein helps in development of muscles and immune system

vegetables source of Vitamin A

  • Source of food
    • Carrot, Papaya, Spinach, Tomatoes, Eggs, Milk and Meat
  • Vitamin-A is good for the eyes of your child. It also develops the immune system

vitamin B and folic acid
Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and Folic Acid

  • Source of food
    • Tomatoes, Apples, Spinach, Peas, Lentils, Milk and Eggs
  • These Vitamins help to convert food into energy. These also form Hormones and Red Blood Cells (RBC)

orange source of vitamin C

  • Source of food
    • Indian Gooseberry (Amla), Orrange, Strawberry, Tomatoes, Chickpeas and any citrous fruit
  • Vitamin-C helps the immune system to fight with pathogens and also helps to absorb Iron (Pathogen is any Bacteria, Virus, Protozoa or Fungi which cause diseases to human body)

fish with fats vitamin d

  • Source of food
    • Butter, Cheese, Eggs and Fish with fats
  • Vitamin-D makes the bones of your child stronger and healthy

green vegetables source of Iron

  • Source of food
    • Meat, Eggs, Green Vegetables, Dry Fruits etc.
  • Iron helps to form Red Blood Cells and also helps oxygen conduction in your child's body

milk source of calcium

  • Source of food
    • Milk, Milk based products, Sesame, Dry fruits and Fish
  • Calcium makes stronger bones and helps in development and maintenance of teeth

meat source of iodine

  • Source of food
    • Eggs, Sea Food and Meat
  • Iodine helps development of brain

List of Essential Vaccines which you must give to your child

Birth (0 years)

  • BCG - Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is a Vaccine to prevent Tuberculosis. Possible side effects include swelling after 3-4 weeks which is a normal phenomenon
  • OPV0 - Oral Polio Vaccine is a Live Attenuated Vaccine to prevent Poliomyelitis caused by poliovirus. If ignored, poliovirus can cause permanent disability (the Zero after OPV means right after birth)
  • Hepatitis-B First Dose - Hepatitis-B Vaccine is applied to prevent serious liver infection caused by hepatitis virus

6 Weeks of Birth

  • DTPw1 or DTPa1 First Dose - It is a combination of Vaccine to prevent 3 bacterial diseases viz. Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis(whopping cough)
  • OPV1 + IPV1 First Dose - Oral Polio Vaccine + Inactivated Polio Vaccine (first dose). IPV is applied through injection and can be skipped
  • Hib First Dose - Haemophilus Influenza type B is a bacteria which causes serious pneumonia, meningitis and other diseases which can invade a child's body
  • Hepatitis-B Vaccine 2nd dose - to be applied after 6 weeks of birth

10 Weeks of Birth

  • DTPw2 or DTPa2 2nd Dose 
  • OPV2 + IPV2 2nd Dose - Oral Polio Vaccine + Inactivated Polio Vaccine 
  • Hib 2nd Dose - Haemophilus Influenza 
  • 14 Weeks of Birth
  • DTPw3 or DTPa3 3rd Dose 
  • OPV3 + IPV3 3rd Dose 
  • Hib 3rd Dose - Haemophilus Influenza 
  • Hepatitis-B Vaccine 3rd Dose

6 Months of Birth

  • Rotavirus Vaccine - Rotavirus can infect infants quite easily which causes severe diarrhea. Highly recommended

9 Months of Birth 

  • Smallpox Vaccine - smallpox or Variola is a highly infectious virus. Natural occurrence of Smallpox was officially eradicated from the planet in the year 1979, however it was still active in India upto 2012. World Health Organization has officially certified India as free from smallpox in the year 2014

15-18 Months of Birth

  • DTPw B1 or DTPa B1 1st Booster Dose 
  • OPV4 + IPVB1 
  • Hib 1st Booster Dose - Haemophilus Influenza 
  • MMR Vaccine 1st Dose - MMR Vaccine is administered for prevention of Measles, Mumps and Rubella Viruses
  • Varicella Vaccine - to prevent chickenpox caused by varicella virus
  • Hepatitis-A Vaccine - like Hepatitis-B this Hepatitis-A virus also infects the liver

2 Years of Birth

  • Typhoid Vaccine - this vaccine is applied to prevent typhoid fever which spreads through infected food or water

5 Years of Birth

  • DTPw B2 or DTPa B2 Booster Dose 
  • OPV5 (6th Dose)
  • MMR Vaccine 2nd Dose

10 Years of Birth

  • Tdap - this is a combination vaccine like DTP which prevents 3 life threatening bacterial diseases Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis
  • HPV Vaccine - Human Papillomavirus is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD). Indian Academy of Paediatrics Committee on Immunization (IAPCOI) has recommended HPV vaccine for all girls who have attained 9 years of age


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