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How to make Semolina French Fries, easy recipe

Hi lovely people, what's up? Today I am not in a mood to discuss big scientific things.

So for this day let me teach you all a simple and tasty recipe with easily available ingredients at home. Moreover today's weather also calls for some junk food. But hey, don't worry we will make a healthy version of it. Let us learn how to make semolina french fries, the easy recipe.

The recipe is Semolina French Fries or in our Desi language the Suji French Fries. 

French fries are almost everyone's favourite or at least everyone enjoys eating it. Anyways before starting the varied version of the recipe let me give you a short history of the original French fries. 

The original French Fries are made up of potatoes. They were originated in Latin America which is also believed to be the origin of potatoes. But the French and Belgians also claim for their ownership of the French Fries.

Nowadays French Fries are available all over the world in different variants and with different names. The version which I am going to tell is a much healthier version of French Fries because it is made up of Semolina (Suji). 

Semolina has many health benefits:

It contains high amount of protein and fiber due to which it gives a sense of fullness because of which it reduces hunger and helps in weight loss.

It has zero cholesterol and prevents weight gain. It is also high in vitamin B which helps to convert food into energy.

Suji is also a good source of minerals like iron and magnesium which helps in red blood cell production, blood sugar control and overall heart health.

Okay now let me start my recipe without making it boring.

The recipe is very easy and can be made by anyone. 

Firstly the ingredients: 
  • 1cup Suji
  • 1cup Water 
  • 1tbsp Salt
  • Oil for frying
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes

Now the procedure
  • Add the water in a pan and let it boil
  • After boiling add salt and then add the suji
  • Mix well gently and cook for sometime till it becomes like a dough and starts leaving the pan
  • Then remove the pan from flame and place the dough in a bowl
  • Now knead the hot dough nicely by applying little oil on your hands. 
  • We have to knead it when it is hot, for that you can use a spoon if you find it too hot
  • Now place the dough on a plastic sheet and roll it with a rolling pin as thick as you want the French Fries to be
  • Leave it for 5 minutes to cool down
  • Then take a knife and cut it in long strips as French Fries
  • Now fry them in hot oil till they become crispy
If you are a fitness freak then you can avoid deep frying and bake them at 250° C for 10 minutes.

Ta-da its ready. If you want you can also season them with mixed herbs or any spices like oregano or chilli flakes. 

Serve them hot with tomato sauce or any chutney of your choice. 

So that was a quick, simple and healthy recipe from my side. For more easy peasy recipes please subscribe to 


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